EFT Supervision and Consultation
Do you feel stuck in your EFT certification journey?
Do you hope to feel more effective and competent as a therapist?
Are you looking for a safe space to reflect on your client's work?
I am here to support you.
EFT supervision can help!
Hello, I am Shirley. I am a Registered Social Worker, ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist, and ICEEFT EFT Supervisor-in-Training. My primary approach to therapy and clinical supervision is Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT). I offer clinical and EFT supervision and consultation from an attachment, systemic, and experiential perspective. I am passionate about supporting counsellors and therapists to become your most authentic, confident, and compassionate selves, and to grow in your knowledge and competence in EFT. I recognize issues of power and privilege in supervision and I aim to cultivate a safe space to foster a supportive supervisor/ supervisee relationship that is built on mutual trust and respect. My heart also desires to support BIPOC therapists and to increase diversity among EFT supervisors.
I fell in love with EFT when I took the Externship with Dr. Sue Johnson in 2016. Since then, I have dedicated myself to learning EFT and became certified in 2019. I enjoy working with diverse couples with a wide range of relationship difficulties. It has been such a deeply meaningful experience to witness how they move through their vulnerability and the EFT process. I am very committed to ongoing professional development. In addition to completing the Externship and Core Skills training, I have completed additional training in EFIT, working with highly escalated couples, attachment injury resolution model (AIRM), trauma, sex therapy, EFT supervision, discernment counselling, perinatal mental health, and more.
How can EFT supervision and consultation help?
Increase your self-awareness and self-confidence through a focus on creating a safe, supportive, and collaborative supervision environment
Watch tapes and hone your EFT skills through role plays
Apply the EFT model to unique clinical issues such as sex and intimacy, affair recovery, substance use, etc. and to stay focused on the EFT process
Access your own emotional experiences (self-as-therapist) to enhance client attunement
Explore intersecting identities (e.g., race, culture, gender identity, etc.) that may impact the working alliance with your clients
2 options for clinical supervision and consultation services:
Dyadic (2 -3 people)
Why should you work with me?
There are many excellent certified EFT supervisors!
As a BIPOC therapist and EFT supervisor-in-training, I offer discounted supervision and consultation services. I also have particular interest in issues related to power, privilege and intersectionalities.
Your clinical supervision hours with me can be applied in 2 different categories at the same time:
1. Certification with International Centre for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICEEFT)
I am an ICEEFT Certified EFT Therapist and EFT Supervisor-in-training so supervision hours with me can be applied towards the minimum 8 hours requirement for certification with ICEEFT. For more information, please visit the link: https://iceeft.com/road-to-certification/
2. Registered Psychotherapist with College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO)
I am a qualified CRPO clinical supervisor so supervision hours with me can be applied as part of the 100 supervision hours required to enter into the RP category.
Relevant training
Emotionally Focused Therapy Externship
Emotionally Focused Therapy Core Skills
Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)
Trauma and Emotionally Focused Therapy
Going into the Fire: Working with Highly Escalated Couples (with George Faller)
EFT: Attachment Injury Repair Model (AIRM)
Healing Relationship Injuries ( with Leanna Campbell and James Hawkins)
EFT and Restoring Relational Betrayals (Jim Furrow, Lisa Palmar-Olsen)
Sex as a Safe Adventure, New York Centre of EFT Certificate of Intensive Sex Therapy Training, Guelph University
Level One: Emotional Focused Therapy, Les Greenberg
Level Two: Emotional Focused Therapy, Les Greenberg
Maternal Mental Health Certificate, Postpartum Support International
EFT Supervision Reboot
The Empowered Supervisor Course (30 hours)